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柳老师同样也是个温柔细心的老师。有一次,在英语测验中,我有一道题不会,急的抓耳挠腮,上蹿下蹦。这时,柳老师细心地发现了我的不安,走到我面前。空气中弥漫一丝淡淡的茉莉花香,像老师一样,那么纯洁、淡雅。“是不是遇到什么麻烦啦?”耳畔突然传来一声温柔的问候,使我焦躁不安的心终于老老实实地安静了下来。“嗯……这道题,你可以好好想一想,不要着急,心急可是吃不了‘热豆腐’的哟!加油~老师可是相信你的哦!”我的体内顿时像注进了镇定剂一般, 恢复了百分之百的信心。最后,那道不听话的题终于还是拜倒在我的脚下。我也知道,最大的功臣,其实是柳老师。是她的温柔和鼓励使我有了战胜困难的决心和毅力。成功的彼岸近在咫尺。



there is such a story, once upon a time in a large garden, there is a strong big banana, a tender little banana on its side, the big banana lose their body nutrients to the small banana body, make it thrive, while they slowly wither “ ” &hellip …

the big banana in the story reminds me of our teacher. they are not like dquo in the story; big banana ”?

open the window of memory, and the act of the past is in front of us: that is what happens every day. after lunch, the students finally had more than 10 minutes to rest, because there was no teacher to take care of us at the moment, but the happy hour was always so short. at one o'clock in the afternoon, the teacher came again, gave us dictation, lectures, let us endorse, layout homework. dquo. obviously, what's the teacher doing when it's time off?! ” a lot of students made a complaint. of course, i am no exception, but i go home to my parents about it, they gave me a reprimand: “ the teachers sacrificed their rest time to give you a lecture, how are you intent to blame the teacher as the heart. teachers are good for you, in order to let you know more, to learn more solid knowledge. you should understand the teacher, sympathize with the teacher, and study hard! dquo when i heard the words, i knew i was wrong.

since then, i have more respect for teachers. they give us lectures, dictation, let us recite the text, all for our good, i hope we can learn. but we do not understand and understand them, it is really too sorry for their pay.

here, i would like to thank our dear teacher, i would like to say to you: "teacher, you are laborious."! dancing on the blackboard is your sweat, and the tip of your pen is flowing with your anticipation. you use your mother's loving hands to soothe your young soul and sow unselfish love. this is you, a people's teacher's wish! one inch white chalk dye your hair, a pictograph become your footsteps, you teach us knowledge, your care is like the genial drizzle. dear teacher! you taught us the true meaning of beauty! teacher, you gave us a life ruler, let us ourselves to measure every day; you gave us a model of behavior mirror, let us have learning example everywhere. we thank you, dear teacher.

yes! a teacher's profession is sacred! a teacher's dedication does not pay off! the teacher's love for us is selfless!



teacher thank you, in our first grade, you are like a gardener, we are like a seedling. it's you who irrigate us with that wealth of knowledge and let us grow up quickly. now i'm a fifth grade student, that's all your credit! i was touched by the little things that happened in the short five years. i'm determined to live up to my teachers here. i will repay you with my academic achievements.


the teacher is a promoter of human civilization.is a teacher,teach us to be the truth,help us to learn scientific and cultural knowledge and skills,we swim in the ocean of knowledge.the teacher is human soul engineer.

i love the teacher,because teachers have a shiny gold heart.when we fail,the teacher take us forward sails; when we are successful,the teacher and we share the joy of success; when we make mistakes,the teacher patience fine to correct our progress of course; in our proud a little bit of success,the teacher is our conscious agents.the teacher is our teacher and our most sincere friend.

in fact,when the teacher's pleasure is unspeakable.i am the teacher more eternal than the candle,lights others sublimation.even compared to ","silk,though,and not die.silkworms into pupa pupa into moths,moth and inoculation and incubation out growing tracks,endless...it's a poem! and sometimes long "picture",is a narrative,lyric of "poetry".

as tao's president said "holding a heart,don't take half a grass." the teacher is such person.

for the teacher,we have untold grateful words,when we are with heavy harvest to accept more knowledge,we know that the teacher is a candle,burn out yourself,lights others and consumes itself.growth cannot leave the teacher,for the sake of our a bit our progress is perhaps the epitome of the teacher of hard sweat and blood.in this brilliant golden harvest season,let the autumn wind to send our congratulations to our dear teacher! so i love my teacher,selfless love him,love his knowledgeable,dedicated love him,love his approachable.


nearly all my classmates like to learning english.do you know why?i think its because we have a very good teacher-wuping.

wuping is an english teacher.miss wu comes from shanghai,she is kind and always smiles,she is one of the best teachers in our school.she goes to work early everyday,miss wu is always very busy ,she often has much work to do.she teaches so well,she often tells us to do our homework carefully,she asks us to study hard,we often do as she says,she gets on very well with us.sometimes she teaches us english songs.

im so lucky to be her student.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
