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i have never thought so thin a book which is called the catcher in the rye can influence me so much. it makes me feel very impressive. and after reading this book, i have aroused many thoughts about it.

in today's literature world, the catcher in the rye is to be recognized as a modern classic. after reading this book, adults can increase the understanding of teenagers; young people can increase the understanding of their future life. no matter whom after reading this book will improve their ability about to be vigilant against the reality. it also can make you choose one self-reliance way to your future easily.

this book told us a profound significance story. the of this novel holden hated all the hypocritical things and really wanted to pursuit the pure reality at first. because of the development of his society, he finally submits to the development process of the social reality. it deeply show the loneliness, loss, pain of younger generation which is grow up after the world war ii in u.s.

well, i think that though holden used to seeing the reality of bourgeois society, and he must promise with realistic society in the end, he also have many courage to have a try to rebel against the hypocritical world. this spirit should be set up if we want to improve the process of the world.

now, we live in a country, which is in great reformation, and everything in the process of changing development. well, with the development of our country; people's thought also is in the change. at the same time, many people's thoughts start confusion and depression. they forgotten their initial dreams and have no enthusiasm gradually. so, in the end, they began to yearn for mediocrity and have nothing to do.

perhaps we can learn from this book to find our own shadow. to a certain extent that it reflects many characteristics of the adolescents, and we can also see the dark side of the society. with the material's progress, the spiritual world is inevitably producing some changes. at that time, what we need is a change which can make our dream into a reality. therefore, what we should do is not to hope, not to wait, not to plain, but from now on, just start from your own efforts and watch your initial dream. you'd try your best to create the life you want with your own hands.




第一. 教学要以学生为主体,面向全体学生。所以我在设计教学目标、教学内容、教学过程和教学评价等的时候应该充分考虑到全体学生的发展需求。教学目标应该重难点突出,教学内容做到难易结合,教学过程中应该争取让每个学生都参与进来,教学评价中应采取学生个人自评、学生互评和教师评价相结合的方式。

第二. 对整个三年的教学应该有一个规划。英语学习具有渐进性和持续性的特点,需要逐渐积累。作为初中英语老师,我也要熟悉小学和高中的课程,做好衔接。同时还应对初中三年的教学内容有一个全面连贯的认识,使自己的教学更加符合学生的认知和教学规律。

第三. 重视教学情境的创设。课标强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。在平时的教学中,应尽量为学生创设真实的情境,为学生提供运用语言的机会,鼓励学生通过体验实践、探究合作等方式逐步掌握语言知识和技能,调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力。

第四. 对学生的评价方式应该多样化。应该采取形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的方法。形成性评价要及时对学生的学习情况进行反馈,促进学生调整学习态度和方法等,提高学习效果。终结性评价要注重考查学生听说读写各方面的能力水平。

第五. 加强对学生学习策略的指导。争取让学生在义务教育阶段就逐步形成良好的学习策略和方法,这对于他们日后进一步的学习和自学都有很大的帮助。







this winter, i read the book of robinson crusoe, their captors.

article describes multiple sailing in the whole island, crusoe masters of extraordinary survival 28 years experience, strive for survival, show the ingenuity and a man with indomitable perseverance in the face of hardship persistent existence desire, the lonely and eager to rescue the mood. in a lonely island overcome robinson was done with fear, a savage and said he was "on friday, they get along with each other, then built on friday, crusoe one kind of warm friendship." i also enjoy the disclosure of the business concept: crusoe each sailing and adventure has clear commercial purpose, with his own property and calculating profit, he will also oneself life the island is his territory, in addition to reveal its economic thought, i admire john robinson's rich, more learning his strong initiative and spirit of adventure, early efforts, hard work, and perfect kindness thought!


jane eyre, it’s one of my favorite english novels. another one is pride and prejudice. the two ladies, jane and elizabeth, are some kind of similar. both of them are independent, long for true love, and defend against the old rules. they don’t have beautiful face, but they have beautiful minds.

when story began, jane was a little girl living with her aunts and cousins. they didn’t like her, scolded her, treated her just like a nursemaid, and even locked her in the red house. later, she was sent to the lowood school, where she met helen, her friend. as time went by, the little poor girl grew up. then she became a governess for a ten-year-old girl at thornfield, where she met mr. rochester, her master. as a governess at thornfield, she tasted the pleasures and pains of love. she fell in love with rochester but had to leave him for some reasons. she found shelter at moor house, where she focused on teaching and rejected mr. river’s marriage. at the end, jane returned to thronfield after mr. rochester was blind. they have a quiet wedding:

“i know what it is to be love and be loved. no woman has ever been closer to her husband than i am to edward. i am my husband’s life, and he is mine. we are always together, and have never had enough of each other’s company.”

jane had a bad childhood, but it didn’t affect her much. she read books behind the thick curtain; she got education for eight years in poor condition; she was intelligent, sensible and wise. at the relationship with edward rochester, she was quite calm. the governess with her beautiful, pure and

frank soul, move edward. rochester was rich, clever but a little weird. jane thought she didn’t really know him and never sure whether he was serious or joking. so she kept a distance with him. fortunately, she came across the distance and expressed her love to mr. rochester:

“do you think i can watch another woman become your bride? do you think i’m a machine, without feelings? do you think, because i’m small and poor and plain, that i have no soul and no heart? well, you’re wrong! i have as much soul and heart as you. it’s my spirit that speaks to your spirit! we are equal in the sight of god!”

i think when you heard of these words, you would stand at jane’s side definitely. and that’s love i long for. in our real life, there are many examples that ladies lose themselves and become dependent after marriage. they give up their careers and the husband and kids become their center. for another instance, some ladies get married to the man they don’t love but possess a lot. they regard their husbands as atms. for the former, they lose themselves in marriage; for the latter, they do exchange with marriage. besides, some graduates fall in love with others due to loneliness. you can see such lovers break up upon several months. they do not take love seriously; they do not prepare to love somebody; even, they do not know what love is and how to love. they just pretend to know.

i’ve heard the words: who is a real man? a real man is the one you stay with but you can be yourself. when i was in high school, a chinese poem

named to the oak, impressed me a lot. i have to say, that’s the love i appreciate.

















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