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this year summer vacation, i read the american well-known writer hemingway's novel “ old person and sea ”. i extremely admire in the novel the senior fisherman's will, he let me understand one person certainly must have relentless spirit, only then could obtain successfully.

the novel description is one year near sixty years of age senior fisherman, when alone goes to sea in one fishing, fished one big fish, actually did not pull. the senior fisherman socialized several days after the fish, only then discovered this was the big marlin which one surpassed the oneself fishing boat several fold, although knew perfectly well very difficult to win, but still did not give up. afterwards and further because in the big marlin wound fish fishy smell brought in several crowds of shark fish snatches the food, but the old person still did not hope like this to give up, finally highlighted encircles tightly, returned to the big fish belt the fishing port, lets other fishermen not admire already.

when i read “ the senior fisherman think: here to the seacoast really was too near, perhaps could have a bigger fish in a farther place… ” when, i extremely admire this senior fisherman, because he by now already projected on some fish, but he had not settled to the present situation, but was approaches the bigger goal advance. again has a look us, usually meets one slightly is difficult, we all complain incessantly. we will be the motherland future, will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, will even better pursue even better, the bigger goal.

when i read “ the big marlin start fast to gather round the young fishing boat hover, twined the cable on the mast, the old person right hand lifted up high the steel fork, leapt the water surface in it the flash, did utmost throws to its heart, one wail ended the big fish's life, it was static static floats on the water surface… ” when, my heart also liked together the big stone falls. i extremely admire old person that kind do not dread, the relentless spirit, although knows the match strength is very strong, but he not slightly flinches, but is welcomes difficultly above. just because had this kind of spirit, the senior fisherman only then achieved this life and death contest success. we also must study senior fisherman's spirit in life, handles the matter does not fear the difficulty, only then can obtain successfully.


one hundred and sixty years ago, when charlotte bronte created jane eyre, she could have never thought that it would become eternal. as a matter of fact, in the world of today, there are tens of

thousands of jane eyre, each living in a reader’s heart, breathing with him the same air and sharing with him the same happiness and sorrow. her rich mental world has become an inexhaustible resource of spiritual power. from jane eyre, people who are timid and shy get confidence and self-respect; people who feel imprisoned get independence and freedom; people who are lonesome get love and care. however, what i get from jane eyre is the courage of inner questioning and self exploring.

who is jane eyre? as the story extends, more and more things are added to the answer. from the beginning, we know that jane is a young orphan raised by mrs. reed, her cruel, wealthy aunt. from her experience at the lowood school, we found jane a plain-featured but intelligent and honest girl. her courage to fight with all the hardships, oppression and inequality makes a deep impression on us. when she meets rochester and st. john, jane shows us both her passion for love and her sticking to her principles of justice, human dignity and morality.

while we are getting to know more about jane eyre, she is also exploring herself. when she leaves gateshead, the little girl doesn’t know what to expect in the future. she has endured so much unfair treatment that all she desires is freedom. however, when jane gets freedom, she finds herself yearning for new experiences, which can change her life of loneliness and neglect. she follows her innermost feelings and accepts a governess position at a manor called thornfield, where she falls head over heels in love with her employer, rochester.

then it comes to the most important decision that jane has to make in her life. rochester already has a wife, but jane wonders how she could ever find another man who values her the way rochester does. to leave, or to stay, jane is caught in a dilemma. at this moment, jane closes her eyes and looks into her soul. i can well remember the words she says to herself: “i care for myself. the more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained i am, the more i will respect myself.” guided by her soul, she flees temptation and leaves thorfield. the second test comes when st. john urges jane to accompany him to india as his wife. in many ways, the proposal tempts her, but it also means sacrificing passion altogether and devoting herself wholly to principles. where to go? again, jane softly touches her innermost feelings. who am i? what am i longing for? is it pure freedom, or passion of love, or principles? from gateshead to the lowood, from the lowood to thorfield, from thorfield to moor house then to ferndean, jane has finally got the answer. having gone through all these years, jane no longer goes to extremes. what she is seeking for throughout her life is a kind of perfect balance between moral duty and earthly pleasure, between obligation to her spirit and attention to her body. jane knows herself well and thus can have the strength to hold her own bliss in hand.

jane eyre sets us a perfect model of inner questioning and self exploring. how about us?

looking back on the development of jane eyre’s character, we can see clearly the important role inner questioning and self exploring has played. “what you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.” self-knowledge is a hard process that everyone must go through. there are times when we are overwhelmed by all kinds of desires and lose ourselves in the crowded world. there are times when we

just follow what others are doing and abandon our own dreams. to be specific, when asked why you are at school, how many students can honestly say that their answer well reflects their soul?

actually, it is the question that my grandpa asked me one day. we were working together in the garden, talking about my school life. i told him that as senior three students, we often have to burn midnight oil. “you are working hard!” he smiled, and then looking me in the eye, he asked, “but do you know what you are studying for?” i stammered. at that moment, i was completely at a loss. what am i studying for? is it simply for getting a good score in exams or entering a good university and then finding a good job and leading a comfortable life? i feel confused. grandpa patted on my shoulder, “you know something? every brilliant life is different. what kind of life do you yearn for, my dear?”

i didn’t answer grandpa. only then did i realize how little i knew about myself. i have never before questioned myself what i really want. i thought about jane eyre. she is always exploring and questioning herself. that is why she is able to make her perfect life.

jane eyre gives me the strength. now it’s time for me to look into my soul to see who i am and what i am longing for. i will no longer wander around, the moment my soul answers me with her deepest voice. i will fix my eyes on the road ahead, my own road, and keep going. i will hold my brilliant life in hand.




















the age described in lu yao's novel "ordinary world" is very different from our current life. the old story of being unable to eat is unimaginable in today's shanghai. people's troubles have changed from the most basic troubles about survival and food and clothing to the troubles of buying a big house, buying a luxury car and sending their children to noble schools. when reading this book, i kept asking myself that the progress of the times is thousands of miles with each passing day in terms of material, but what about the spiritual world?

at the beginning of the story, sun shaoping is a poor rural student who can't even eat enough; at the end of the story, sun shaoping is a coal miner with a disability. but it is such an ordinary person, but his self-esteem is enough to make us ashamed of being rich in food and clothing. it is true that sun shaoping is embarrassed in material life and lonely in spirit, but he takes his spiritual world so seriously that he is always meticulous about his spiritual world even in the most boring and even difficult life circumstances. this point is far from being achieved by many so-called "successful people".

maybe it's because of the exam. i didn't take the ordinary world seriously. good works always shine golden. after the final exam, i opened this thick book and began to read it.

the height of this book is greater than 1. a 5cm book always gives people an unspeakable feeling and a feeling that they can't finish reading. however, after reading one page, i was deeply attracted by the plot. it talks about china's urban and rural life, what happened in the world such as sun shaoan and sun shaoping, contradictions, setbacks, love, joy, and everyone's daily choices

in real life, everyone's choice is different, high-profile, rigorous and ordinary. in this book, the protagonist sun shaoping chooses ordinary.

the hero's birth is very ordinary - a farmer. poverty makes him shy, but it doesn't make him negative. after some training, he has changed from a shy and poor boy to a man. during this period, he has also experienced many twists and turns. he left his hometown to work and left his relatives and friends to dig coal. tian xiaoxia's sad love with him and the accident when digging coal, this difficulty is hundreds of times stronger than what we have encountered. we can't hold on to it, but he is better than us. he stands up. finally, his childhood playmate, jinbo's sister, confessed to him, but he refused. he needed his own ordinary life.

a masterpiece, bring us the knowledge we need, let us understand each sentence well.


故事的开头,孙少平是个连饭也吃不饱的穷困的农村学生;故事的结尾,孙少平是个身有残疾的煤矿工人。可就是这样一个平凡的人,他身上的自尊却足以令衣食富足的我们汗颜。诚然,孙少平在物质生活上是窘迫的,在精神上也是寂寞的,但他如此认真地对待自己的精神世界,即使在最寡淡无奇甚至艰苦难熬的人生境遇中, 对自己的精神世界始终一丝不苟。这一点,是如今很多所谓“成功人士”也远远达不到的境界。







the black horse is a classic novel of the european literary world in nineteenth century. the content of this book is wonderful, which explains the heros "black horse" spent in the human family. he met a good man and trained him well. he never overtired him, but he also met with a layman who could not drive a horse drawn carriage. the hero of the novel "black horse" dark horse is a horse pretty good seed, he was living in the noble family, eat a good diet, well trained, character is very gentle and kind. and he was smart, witty and brave, and both his master and his family liked him very much. but good times dont last long, home owners have events, the black horse was forced to sell his company was bought many times, during this time, he met with a variety of people: a drink on the drunk horse gas. dont drive the carriage of lay people, always holding the reins coach, never let loose horses mouth, do not give the horse a little freedom of action in space, the driver feel that this is the only way to secure. there is a persons baggy driving carriage, not even the reins, his hands resting on his knees lazy. there are bad people who do not take animals seriously, and take animals as their closest friends, protect them and love them. many horses worked for humans under very bad conditions. they were in a miserable situation. some horses were exhausted by working too hard, and some horses died from a very cruel fashion. for example, in order to make their home horse "more energetic", they even cut their tails with meat and bones, which was a prevailing fashion at that time.

a horse is also an animal. no matter what animal he is, we should protect them. as the text says, we belong to a home together with animals. no animal, plant the earth can not, can not do without the human and animal, plant, we are brothers and sisters, but at the moment, we are killing your own brothers and sisters, are we human beings is so cruel? we should love animal, animal to have a beautiful home, rather than a full of yourself the blood of the home.




the count of monte cristo former name is: edmond dantes. he had in his hometown of life thoroughly, one day he went to sea back suddenly caught, allegations to betray his country, he was thrown into prison. he spent 13 years in prison, in the thirteen years he met an old man, the old man taught edmund dantes a lot of skill, he teaches edmond dantes mathematics, philosophy, economy, astronomy, and so on, also teach him fencing, they had dug a tunnel together. the old man died at the end gave a treasure map edmond dantes. finally edmond dantes with a way to escaped from prison and went to the treasure, he found the treasure into the earl, changed its name to the count of monte cristo, then he began his revenge.

from this story i understand the director must believe in yourself, like edmond dantes.


after reading this book in my mind a long time can not quell. poor oliver already suffering under the loss of family members but also has been so much torment.i really do not know under his thin body has what will enable him to persevere so that he was hungry cold loneliness sadness suffering under the tenacious struggle.oliver suffers great pain but his yearning for a better life longing for life is to support the strength of his progress!

we live in a honey jar fuk nest they are still complaining always satisfied.but we have thought that in the world there are many children are suffering great pain; positive and hunger cold disease war; are facing loss of their loved ones wandering street life.and like them as living things should we be able to see them? no we can not! let us hands and brain to help them to satisfy their thirst for life!

















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