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the bar chart clearly shows the situation of outdoor activities of both chinese and american college students. to be specific, the number of american and chinese college students who attend outdoor activities several times a year is fairly large, but the number of students attending once a month, once a week or once a day is falling gradually. meanwhile, for the students taking part in outdoor activities several times a year, there are more chinese than americans, but in the other three cases, there are much fewer chinese.

why should this phenomenon take placethere are two factors accounting for it. to start with, the students’ poor sense of health makes them neglect the physical exercise, so a large number of students take outdoor activities just out of their interest. in addition, the reason why american students do more exercises than chinese students may be that chinese students’ workload is relatively heavy. facing the pressure of schoolwork, they have to study harder and have no time to do sports.

from what has been discussed above, i hold that we should enhance our awareness of health and take practical actions to take part in more outdoor activities.


in the pictures above are a father and her beloved son. in the left cartoon, smoking a cigarette and sitting in a sofa comfortably, the father is watching a football match on tv and shouting, “son, study hard for me!” on the contrary, in the left portrayal, at 9 p.m. , the father is studying together with his son, both totally absorbed in their books. the caption indicates, “instead of merely making a request, setting an example.”

the purpose of the pictures is to show us that utmost significance should be attached to practicing what you preach. on the one hand, parents teach much more by their actions, than by their words. some of them may say to their children, “don’t say nasty things about so and so”, and then the children will hear them criticize their friends and neighbors. on the other hand, parenting is such a crucial responsibility, yet there are no required courses to prepare one to undertake this role in life. the only learning is the example from one’s own parents.

to sum up, parents are the best teachers.

obviously, if parents’ actions don’t conflict their own words, they would have the opportunity to be outstanding examples of their children. just as an old saying goes, “action speak louder than words.”






with the deepening of reform and opening-up of our country, many people dream of going abroad for further study. they insist that there are more modern research facilities, world famous professors and excellent environment in some foreign colleges and universities, which lay a perfect foundation for their future development.

however, there are still many people who favor studying at home. they argue that, for one thing, studying abroad is too expensive and therefore doesn’t pay off. for another, there are no language and cultural barriers if they study in our country.

just as the old saying goes, “every advantage has its disadvantage,” so i believe both opinions are acceptable in some sense. if students have the chances and financial resources, they should seize the opportunity to go abroad and broaden their eyes. on the other hand, if conditions don’t permit, they can pursue their studies at top universities in our country. what counts is not the place where they study, but what they can learn.


the cartoon is simple but thought-provoking. as is vividly shown in the picture, there are two passengers sitting in a bus. one of them is a male, who is sitting cross-legged and smoking. the whole bus is filled with the black smoke. while the other one is a female, who is sitting in front of the man and covering her nose with a tissue to prevent the harm of the secondhand smoke. there is no doubt that the picture implies that the secondhand smoke exists everywhere and it is hazardous.

this phenomenon has an undesirable impact on our daily life. firstly, it does harm to and sacrifices our physical and mental health. what’s worse, it is the main cause of lung cancer and about 10% people die of it every year. in addition, our environment and ecosystem will be severely polluted and thus it hinders our sustainable and scientific development. were the situation to continue, we would pay a high price.

accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic and effective measures to control this situation. firstly, we should appeal to the government to make strict laws and regulations to ban smoking in public places. as for ourselves, we should take practical actions to stop smoking and protect our living environment. only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a beautiful world and a bright future to come.


:schooling and education it is commonly believed in united states that school is where people go to get an education. nevertheless,。




from the table chart given above, we can observe that it reflects the statistics of students’ graduation intention. from 20xx to 20xx, the proportion of students who are determin。


咳,大家好!小编是课间采访金牌记者“铁齿铜牙”--张玲睿。 “铃铃钤”下课了,哇噻!同学们象人潮似的冲向操场,哎呀妈呀,本记者差点被挤倒了!好,现在小编们把镜头转向操场,那。

almost everyday we may see something in the newspaper or on tv about the latest exciting developments in space exploration. there is an immense pride in our science and 。





sir or madam, i am applying for the position of secretary advertised in beijing today. i majored in business english. my training in business english and secretarial english will。


dear sir or madam,

as i am preparing for the gre, i am writing now to place an order of a reference book named the merriam-webster dictionary from your bookstore with the consideration of the high quality of your books. when i browsed in your bookstore one week ago, i saw it on the second shelf.

i wonder if it’s convenient for you to send the book to me by fedex tomorrow to renmin university, and i would pay for the cost. besides, i know the fedex has the service that allows me to pay money on receipt of the goods, and i would be grateful if you accept the means of payment.

i would appreciate it if you could take my request into consideration, and i look forward to seeing my book.

sincerely yours,

li ming





书信的格式有两种齐头式和缩进式。同学们对于缩进式很熟悉。所以这里主要说一说缩进式。用缩进式写作文时,首先顶格写称呼,写完称呼后,之后加逗号。下面是正文部分,写三段。每一段开头向里缩进4个英文字符的距离。写完正文之后,最后是结尾部分。结尾部分包括礼貌用语,可以写sincerely yours,最后再写署名。







you are the president of a company. write a memo to percy shelley, the vice-president on the employee’s training on computer:

1) the need to train the employees,

2) detailed information,

3) ask him to write a plan。

to: percy shelley, vice president

from: li ming, president

date: january 10th, 2006

subject: computer training of the staff

as we discussed earlier this week, i agree with you that our firm is faced up with problem of the high rate of computer illiteracy of the staff. we need to make up a plan for training our employees in the new field。

i would like you to design our own inhouse computertraining program. we had better classify the employees and put them through the program in turn。

write up a brief proposal, describing what you think the program should cover. assume the class runs four hours a week for ten weeks. also, assume people have no prior computer knowledge or any formal course work in computer science。

















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