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justice story: "impeachment" is attended -- "is intended for occasional and extraordinary cases where a superior power acting for the whole people is put into operation to protect their rights and rescue their liberties from violations." we know about the huston plan. we know about the break-in of the psychiatrist's office. we know that there was absolute complete direction on september 3rd when the president indicated that a surreptitious entry had been made in dr. fielding's office, after having met with mr. ehrlichman and mr. young. "protect their rights." "rescue their liberties from violation."

the carolina ratification convention impeachment criteria: those are impeachable "who behave amiss or betray their public trust."4 beginning shortly after the watergate break-in and continuing to the present time, the president has engaged in a series of public statements and actions designed to thwart the lawful investigation by government prosecutors. moreover, the president has made public announcements and assertions bearing on the watergate case, which the evidence will show he knew to be false. these assertions, false assertions, impeachable, those who misbehave. those who "behave amiss or betray the public trust."

james madison again at the constitutional convention: "a president is impeachable if he attempts to subvert the constitution." the constitution charges the president with the task of taking care that the laws be faithfully executed, and yet the president has counseled his aides to commit perjury, willfully disregard the secrecy of grand jury proceedings, conceal surreptitious entry, attempt to compromise a federal judge, while publicly displaying his cooperation with the processes of criminal justice. "a president is impeachable if he attempts to subvert the constitution."

if the impeachment provision in the constitution of the united states will not reach the offenses charged here, then perhaps that 18th-century constitution should be abandoned to a 20th-century paper shredder.

has the president committed offenses, and planned, and directed, and acquiesced in a course of conduct which the constitution will not tolerate? that's the question. we know that. we know the question. we should now forthwith proceed to answer the question. it is reason, and not passion, which must guide our deliberations, guide our debate, and guide our decision.

i yield back the balance of my time, mr. chairman.


a brother like that

a friend of mine named paul received an automobile from his brother as a christmas present. on christmas eve when paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it.

"is this your car, mister?" he said.

paul nodded. "my brother gave it to me for christmas." the boy was astounded. "you mean your brother gave it to you and it didnsquo;t cost you nothing? boy, i wish . . ." he hesitated.

of course paul knew what he was going to wish for. he was going to wish he had a brother like that. but what the lad said jarred paul all the way down to his heels. "i wish," the boy went on, "that i could be a brother like that."

paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, "would you like to take a ride in my car?"

"oh yes, id love that."

after a short ride, the boy turned with his eyes aglow, said, "mister, would you mind driving in front of my house?"

paul smiled a little. he thought he knew what the lad wanted. he wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. but paul was wrong again. "will you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked.

he ran up the steps. then in a little while paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. he was carrying his little crippled brother. he sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car.

"there she is, buddy, just like i told you upstairs. his brother gave it to him for christmas and it didnsquo;t cost him a cent. and some day im gonna give you one just like it . . . then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the christmas windows that ive been trying to tell you about." paul got out and lifted the lad to the front seat of his car. the shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride. that christmas eve, paul learned

what jesus meant when he said: "it is more blessed to give . . . "



他叫刘增锴,是我执教二年级时的一个小男生。在接手这个班级前,我对他已略有所闻了。在周围人的评价中,他是一名很棘手的学生。 去年11月的一天头午,由于刘增锴课间打闹,被我批评了几句,午饭时不肯去吃饭,并人也不见了,顾不上吃饭我便在教室不远处找到了他。为什么不吃饭呢?我问道,他看着我一声不吭,我又重复了一次,他依然不开口。由于当天上午我连续上了三节课,这时的我已又累又饿了,恨不得吃完饭再理他。


的教育嗅觉,去关注去爱护学生一个个独特的个体,一个个鲜活的生命,更重要的是,如何去引导、教育学生形成健全的心智,良好的品性? 在领回了刘增锴后,我一再提醒自己:让关注的眼神再温柔些,让窝心的语言再温暖些,让智慧的爱再些多,让教育的眼光再放长远些&b&b 接下来的日子,也不是风平浪静。两天发脾气,三天打架,是常有的事,班里的同学接二连三地过来告刘增锴的状。苦恼的我并没有一次次地批评他,而是一次次地找他谈话,弄清每一件事的来龙去脉,从而对他的行为做出公平、公正的判断。
















最后,充分利用课本的小练习如做一做,练一练,议一议等。让学生在自主学习中运用好书本知识达到融会贯通的程度。 同时要保证自主学习的时间。学生是学习的主人,学习是学生自己的事情。在教学中,教师一定要给学生充裕的时间,让学生充分地阅读课文,充分地思考、感悟、体验、探究,讲求自主学习的效果,千万不能让学生的自主学习走过场。那种担心学生的自主学习占用了过多的时间,会影响教学进度,会影响教学任务的完成的想法,是错误的。因为一切教学活动都是为了促进学生的发展,在教学过程中,应该是教师为学生的学习活动提供有效的服务,而不是让学生为教师完成既定的教学任务。



whether there's afterlife, the answer has never been the same. the atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave. they may care about their illustrious names after death; they may feel attached to the affection of their offspring, but they never lay their hopes on their afterlife. they may also say that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil, but they don't really believe any retribution in their after life.

however, in the religious world or among the superstitious people, the belief in afterlife is very popular. they do not only believe in afterlife, but thousands of reincarnations as well. in the mysterious world, there are the paradise and the hell, the celestial beings and the gods, the buddha and the bodhisattvas.

maybe they really believed it, or maybe they just wanted to make use of people's veneration, the ancient emperors always declared that they were the real dragons, the sons of god, while the royal ministers claimed to be the reincarnations of various constellations. but can the stars reincarnate?

many people burn incense and kowtow, do good deeds and strive for virtues, not just for the present, but mainly to let god see their sincerity so as to be reborn into a better afterlife, or to achieve the highest enlightenment after several lives of practice. they do believe in afterlife. but i can't help asking: suppose there were no afterlife, would you still do good deeds and strive for virtues? and if god does not see what you are doing, would you still be so upright and selfless? if you work, not for serving the public and liberating the others, but just for a better afterlife of your own, isn't it a little too selfish? comparing with this kind of believers, those who don't believe in afterlife, but still keep doing good deeds, are the most sincere and honest philanthropists, because they do them not for themselves but for other.

you may wonder if i believe in afterlife. my answer is: i know nothing about my previous life, so i dare not make improper comments on afterlife. but i do hope there's afterlife! because our present life is so short that so many things slip away before our proper understanding. i have so many dreams, so many wishes, so many ambitions, as well as so many regrets and concerns. if there were no afterlife, all of them will remain unrealized!

i'm not contented with the present commonplace life, i'm very much attached to the affections that should have been mine but have been washed away by the hurrying time, and i yearn for the perfection and maturity if i could start all over again. so believe it or not, i'd rather there were afterlife.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
