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hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry is where harry potter and his friends learned about magic.、

harry potter is an 11 year old boy who’s parents died, and he goes to hogwarts.ron weasley is an 11 year old boy who has 5 brothers and 1 sister, and he goes to hogwarts.hermione is a 10 year old girl who likes learn a lots , and she goes to hogwarts.quirrell is hogwarts’s teacher,voldemort’s helper.voldemort is an evil guy of the magic world.

harry never thought quirrell was helping voldemort. quirrel cought harry and let him to get the philospher’s stone, but when harry got it, he didn’t give it to quirrell, and voldemort came out,from the back of quirrell’s head!and voldemort orderd quirrell to catch harry and get the stone, but when quirrell touched harry, his body dissolved,and then he died.

harry defeated voldemort, and the year has finished,it’s time for the school cup,gryffindor was in last , but 4 more things let them win!

first is for ron, because he play the best game of chess hogwarts has seen in many years,he got 50 points.second is for her mione,for the use of cool logic in the face fire,she got 50 points.third is for harry, who defeated voldemort, get the stone, he got 60 points for that!last, for neville,he got 10 points for his moxie,and gryffindor won!


i have recently seen dickenss "the tale of shuangcheng".

the revolution is good and bad. in the case of oppression and exploitation become aggravated, the revolution is right. blood for blood, is the oppressed of the heartfelt voice, is the cry of the soul. when mrs. defarges family was destroyed, she was right to revenge, and she wanted to retaliate against the wicked, and not to blame. but retaliatory retaliation for a kind - hearted person like charles is a deep thought. the fire should not continue to burn, retaliation should not be unrestricted, it is worth thinking. in fact, not only the french revolution, all the revolutions have been overheated. in many cases, class opposition is blind and unjustified. the indiscriminate indiscriminate killing of a black tornado like li kui, like, not as long as the people of liangshan, the lun axe cut off line, there is no reason. you know, there are good people in the enemy, and we have bad eggs inside. dogmatism in dealing with things, can only make things bad, only add to evil.

good and evil are constantly transformed. a rich villain bully you, he is wrong, but if you think that all the rich are bad, then you are wrong. some aristocratic class oppressed the masses, and he was guilty, but if all aristocrats were blinded to a revolutionary object blindly, they made a mistake.

revolutionaries are not always right. under the oppression and persecution, revolt is justified, to ride on his head domineering people thrown, this is right. however, after the others with their revolution overturned, timing, and riding on someone elses head. when the revolutionaries became sinners. in a word, the oppressor is a crime, whether you are a revolutionary or a revolutionist.

no matter what age, vendetta is evil, disregard for human life is evil whether you are in any name.

filial piety to parents, love for others, always right, this is in line with human nature. heartless, disloyalty, loving love, no matter how the times advocate, you should obey.

dogs can eat shit, but people cant do it. can those fanatics can do evil, but the man should not do so in any case.







the age described in lu yao's novel "ordinary world" is very different from our current life. the old story of being unable to eat is unimaginable in today's shanghai. people's troubles have changed from the most basic troubles about survival and food and clothing to the troubles of buying a big house, buying a luxury car and sending their children to noble schools. when reading this book, i kept asking myself that the progress of the times is thousands of miles with each passing day in terms of material, but what about the spiritual world?

at the beginning of the story, sun shaoping is a poor rural student who can't even eat enough; at the end of the story, sun shaoping is a coal miner with a disability. but it is such an ordinary person, but his self-esteem is enough to make us ashamed of being rich in food and clothing. it is true that sun shaoping is embarrassed in material life and lonely in spirit, but he takes his spiritual world so seriously that he is always meticulous about his spiritual world even in the most boring and even difficult life circumstances. this point is far from being achieved by many so-called "successful people".

maybe it's because of the exam. i didn't take the ordinary world seriously. good works always shine golden. after the final exam, i opened this thick book and began to read it.

the height of this book is greater than 1. a 5cm book always gives people an unspeakable feeling and a feeling that they can't finish reading. however, after reading one page, i was deeply attracted by the plot. it talks about china's urban and rural life, what happened in the world such as sun shaoan and sun shaoping, contradictions, setbacks, love, joy, and everyone's daily choices

in real life, everyone's choice is different, high-profile, rigorous and ordinary. in this book, the protagonist sun shaoping chooses ordinary.

the hero's birth is very ordinary - a farmer. poverty makes him shy, but it doesn't make him negative. after some training, he has changed from a shy and poor boy to a man. during this period, he has also experienced many twists and turns. he left his hometown to work and left his relatives and friends to dig coal. tian xiaoxia's sad love with him and the accident when digging coal, this difficulty is hundreds of times stronger than what we have encountered. we can't hold on to it, but he is better than us. he stands up. finally, his childhood playmate, jinbo's sister, confessed to him, but he refused. he needed his own ordinary life.

a masterpiece, bring us the knowledge we need, let us understand each sentence well.


故事的开头,孙少平是个连饭也吃不饱的穷困的农村学生;故事的结尾,孙少平是个身有残疾的煤矿工人。可就是这样一个平凡的人,他身上的自尊却足以令衣食富足的我们汗颜。诚然,孙少平在物质生活上是窘迫的,在精神上也是寂寞的,但他如此认真地对待自己的精神世界,即使在最寡淡无奇甚至艰苦难熬的人生境遇中, 对自己的精神世界始终一丝不苟。这一点,是如今很多所谓“成功人士”也远远达不到的境界。







"in february and march 1975, it was an ordinary day. the thin rain with a little snowflake was splashing to the earth one after another." it was with such a delicate description that i entered the ordinary world. the whole book is so simple language, without a trace of flashy affectation. but there is a force that goes straight into the hearts of the people and surrounds me warmly.

a group of farmers facing the loess and facing the sky live an ordinary life on the loess plateau for generations. in this ordinary world, these ordinary people have extraordinary sparkling souls. shao'an is a simple farmer and a genuine farmer, but in my eyes, he is a real man of indomitable spirit. he began to do farm work at the age of six. at the age of 13, he dropped out of school with the third grade in the county, just to share the burden of the family. at the age of 21, facing runye's confession, he was full of joy, but he could only marry someone else because of his helplessness. for his poor family, he never had the slightest dislike and complaint. his elderly parents, ailing grandmother, and younger siblings in school depend on him even when they visit the ghost brother-in-law's house. he fed the big family with hard work and explained the true meaning of responsibility with a man's solid arm. "a man is not born to be defeated. you can destroy him as much as you can, but you can't defeat him." the burden of life did not overwhelm shaoan, but exacerbated his desire for the future, gave him the motivation to work hard, and narrowed the distance between him and his dream step by step. from a farmer who had no money to marry a daughter-in-law to a well-known entrepreneur, how much hardship and sweat did he pay. when the brick factory went bankrupt, his bricks were destroyed and the bank loan had to be repaid. the villagers' discontent was more like the last straw that killed the camel, which made him out of breath. he felt an unprecedented despair. but in the end, he didn't give up. he still welcomed the promising future with full enthusiasm. he is just a farmer and doesn't know the philosophy of famous sayings. all he knew was that in order for his grandmother to be able to afford medicine, for his baby to be able to afford school, and even for the villagers to look up to the new cave, he had to make constant efforts and never give up. "life can't wait for others to arrange, we have to struggle by ourselves." this is the most impressive sentence in the book. if life requires you to endure pain, you must stick to it. if you just complain about the injustice of life and fate, but do nothing, and are willing to be strangled by fate for a lifetime, then you are truly ordinary. the road ahead is difficult and dangerous. don't give up. if you are frustrated, don't give up. in any case, please believe that suffering is to climb the ladder of success, and more than struggle will eventually help you open the door to success. may our ordinary life glow with extraordinary brilliance.





如此可知,英语教学的有效原则即指:英语的课堂教学应该有助于学生在规定的学习时间内达到或超过规定的学习目标。 根据以上的理论知识,我认为有效教学要能做到教学目标设计恰当,而教学目标设计又要求必须以学生为中心,还要求合理安排教学时间。


















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