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during national day holiday, i read "moby dick", the author of this book is the united states · herman melville.

this book is about the hero to marie employed by dquo colonial struggle; sea whale hunting. captain yakha was a cunning old mariner, planning to · moby dick, a white whale who had destroyed one of his last legs, and dick's revenge. the officer tried to persuade ahab starbuck give up revenge, but the crazy old man obeyed him stress. later, they found the white whale, ahab in combat for three days and after the whale anger, sank colonial struggle, all the people only to be rescued marie.

i like the characters in this book very much. the hero, marie, sometimes appears timid and weak, but when he is in trouble, he will think of his dream and try his best to overcome the difficulties. he was friendly and helpful, and all the sailors liked him very much. and to marie's friend, he is an indian, queequeg, weird names. although it looks very ugly, looks very scary, but he is kind-hearted, disaster comes from see god advice, and rescue you.

i also like the plot of the story. it's thrilling and exciting. once, while killing beluga whales. a harpoon hand was the harpoon rope around the neck, was dragged into the whale sea, seeing he was not saved, we have scared kneel on the ground, and queequeg did not hesitate to jump into the sea, risked his life to rescue the harpooners. his amazing courage made everyone like him.

from this book, i realize the hard work of sailing, the bravery and wit of the sailors and the gaff at that time.

i will introduce this book to you, and i hope you will read it.


during the summer holiday, i read a fairy story named "beauty and the beast" and i was deeply touched.

the story is once upon a time there was a prince, he isnsquo;t kind and he is lack of compassion. he can't treat each passing old man, also with sticks hustle them. one day, a mage to before him and said: "you are a people person! i didn't want to turn you into a beast. there are five roses, are you five years of life. for five years, you must learn to good, especially have love."

one day, a jeweler lost his way, come to the alace, he plucked a beautiful rose to going to his daughter. see the beast, in anger say: "this is my life, and i will kill you, unless you put your daughter to me." so, beauty came to the beast side, care for her and love her beast, to her warm, let her like staying in their homes as well.

the days passed and the beauty want to see his father, the beast told her to hurry back. beauty home, forget time, magic mirror remind beauty to back as soon as possible to beast side. when the beauty went back to beast, roses last petal beltwas raised-in.the beast went back to the handsome prince.

the story makes me understand that the person should have a heart and should care about others.


the black horse is a classic novel of the european literary world in nineteenth century. the content of this book is wonderful, which explains the heros "black horse" spent in the human family. he met a good man and trained him well. he never overtired him, but he also met with a layman who could not drive a horse drawn carriage. the hero of the novel "black horse" dark horse is a horse pretty good seed, he was living in the noble family, eat a good diet, well trained, character is very gentle and kind. and he was smart, witty and brave, and both his master and his family liked him very much. but good times dont last long, home owners have events, the black horse was forced to sell his company was bought many times, during this time, he met with a variety of people: a drink on the drunk horse gas. dont drive the carriage of lay people, always holding the reins coach, never let loose horses mouth, do not give the horse a little freedom of action in space, the driver feel that this is the only way to secure. there is a persons baggy driving carriage, not even the reins, his hands resting on his knees lazy. there are bad people who do not take animals seriously, and take animals as their closest friends, protect them and love them. many horses worked for humans under very bad conditions. they were in a miserable situation. some horses were exhausted by working too hard, and some horses died from a very cruel fashion. for example, in order to make their home horse "more energetic", they even cut their tails with meat and bones, which was a prevailing fashion at that time.

a horse is also an animal. no matter what animal he is, we should protect them. as the text says, we belong to a home together with animals. no animal, plant the earth can not, can not do without the human and animal, plant, we are brothers and sisters, but at the moment, we are killing your own brothers and sisters, are we human beings is so cruel? we should love animal, animal to have a beautiful home, rather than a full of yourself the blood of the home.




‘we are equal!’ when these three words came out of the plain-looking girl’s mouth, the whole world was shocked.

we have good reason to be shocked——deprived of family happiness from an early age, with neither beauty nor wealth to speak of, jane eyre seems to be never destined to become the heroine shining in the spotlight we often read about in romances——but is there really such a thing called destiny? at least jane doesn’t think so. she is not pretty; she is not rich; she is a mere ordinary governess, so what? as an individual human existence, she has dignity as well as anyone else, so she deserves the chance to love and to be loved as well as anyone else! despite her short, delicate body, her soul is not the least weaker than others’——even greater than most of them. the moment she said the three powerful words to mr. rochester proudly and steadily, her pale face must have been sparkling with sacredness, which would have made her the most beautiful woman ever, because the beauty of independence is eternal. with this spirit of independence she not only gained herself love, respect and happiness but also proved to the world that nobody is second class——unless you believe yourself to be.

hundreds of thousands of ordinary girls that usually get neglected in life——me included——love and admire jane deeply because she inspires and encourages us to strive for our life goals against all odds bravely. she is a role model, an idol in our hearts but at the same time a friend, a big sister next door who’s not at all cold and distant, always ready and willing to stand by our side whenever we are in trouble. every time when i feel inferior, puzzled and lose faith in myself and the strength to carry on the life path already chosen, jane, my dear friend’s determined face and forceful words on that serene summer night would emerge inside my mind, which never failed to relight my fire of passion. oh, how i long to be like her.

but it’s not that i totally believe in her life story, by which i mean i don’t think the story of hers can happen to anybody. to me, it’s somewhat like a fairy tale that begins with ‘long long ago’ and ends with ‘ever after’, in which the prince and princess, though having suffered much in the process of getting together, would always end up in a harmonious marriage and enjoy all the best life has to offer. being an obscure girl herself, the author charlotte bronte was so generous as to have provided our dear jane a mr. rochester who loves her just the way she is, appreciates her unique character and a kindhearted family (later proved to be her relatives) that took her in when she was helpless and offered her a job to support herself. in reality, not every jane eyre can meet the proper people at the right time, just as not every ugly duckling can turn into a graceful swan——it may depend on a matter of luck. if you are too obsessed with fairy tales, you are very likely to feel disappointed and deceived by the not-so-perfect everyday life. but what are fairy tales for? we love to read them and we tend to believe in them even though we know they are not real. sometimes we do need a little romantic daydream as seasonings in the routine of life, and we also need an ideal to believe in, a creed to live by, and a northern star to show us directions on the long journey.

that’s maybe what jane eyre is for——it gives numerous common girls a possibility to look forward to, a life to reach for, and above all, a positive attitude to face all odds to encounter. perhaps we can’t all have her luck, but we can have her independence, confidence, persistence, the courage of standing up to fight for ourselves against those seemingly taller than us, and the faith that we can finally win because we are equal.



























    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
