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i was read the book which called “the adventures of tom sawyer”. this story is about a clever boy called tom sawyer.

tom is a naughty boy, he doesn’t like school and he doesn’t like work and he never wants to get up in the morning. but he like playing like swimming, fishing and having adventures with his friends. in this story he and his friend have a lot of adventures. these adventures can be dangerous. one night in the graveyard he and huck see three men. then tom and his friends saw a murder. joey killed the doctor and referred to peter. tom and his friends exposed joey and caught him and became hero.

i think tom is naughty but he is sympathetic and upright, he is brave he doesn’t afraid of joey and full of his mind are wicked idea but he is clever and optimistic, he want his friend work for him, he make a lot of funny things.

this book let me know we need to “the road sees rough, gone to bat” to face difficult things we can’t shrink

back and we need to fight with them. in the same time l know if only have a dream have pursuit and should try our best to do it , we can’t give up easily .

it just like in our study life we need to do our best. when we have problem we need to overcome it and get better scores.


today, i seriously read a story called "little black fish" at home.

the story mainly tells that in a corner of the sea, a group of happy little red fish were eaten by a fast, fierce and hungry tuna, and only one little black fish escaped. the little black fish swam to the depth of the sea alone and saw a group of little red fish. they are afraid of being eaten by big fish. the little black fish taught them to swim together and became the biggest fish in the sea. the big fish scared away.

in this story, i like little black fish best, because it is smart, witty and brave. we have to learn from it.

this story tells us that as long as we unite as one and work together, we can overcome difficulties.


"the call of the wild" is the american writer jack london was published in 1903 in the novel, reading some other book, sometimes play mobile phone watch a little something to eat in the brain have a rest, read this and saw this paragraph cant wait to look down on, then let a person can, it is the slow and orderly process, make it strong and far-reaching influence.

the story is about a dog named buck, who was sold from the south to the north during the gold rush. in order to survive in the harsh environment of the north, buck became a sledge-pulling slave dog after several trials and turns. in the process of cruel taming, he realized the law of justice and nature. bad living environment let it know cunning and deceit, then it will be cunning and deceit to play to the extent that people do not want to. after a brutal, desperate struggle, it finally established itself as the leading dog. buck and thornton, the last master, had formed an inseparable bond during the arduous sledding journey. this master had rescued him from the most arduous servitude, and he had repeatedly spared his life to rescue his master. finally, after the tragic death of his beloved master, he heads out into the wilderness, answering the wild call he has heard and yearned for many times along the way, and becomes the leader of the pack.

thorntons death left him with infinite regret. it was something like hunger, but hunger was fed by food, and grief pained him again and again. thornton was the man buck loved, and unlike some of the people or dogs he had met before, it was love. the author allows us to examine the world from the unique perspective of animals, to reflect human life and behavior through dogs, and to reveal the beauty and ugliness of human nature through peoples kindness and evil toward dogs. throughout bucks life, he has never been respected and loved equally by human beings.

in the stories, dogs also have different personalities: some are docile and easy-going, some are friendly, some are acrimonious and extroverted, some are dignified, some are sinister and vicious, some are timid and afraid, and some are lazy and malingering. these dogs, too, are a microcosm of human society. theres competition between humans, theres competition between dogs; human beings have responsibilities, and so do they. they are also the representation of the human soul. theyre wild, human, and theyre wild. in the bottom of everyones heart, in fact, just like buck, there lurks a deepest, most primitive, and undetectable wildness. modern mans life, oppressed by all kinds of rules for so long, can no longer see the wild, can only see a domesticated animal. and the wild people, is unruly, is full of vitality. they are not troubled by the mechanization of work and life, full of the spirit of upward intentions. they love and hate, they are cruel and kind, they hate and they love, and they are not afraid to show their emotions. their souls, daring to answer the call of ancient times; their souls belong to nature. they are the human bucks.

this book teaches us the spirit, the perseverance to overcome difficulties and the desire for freedom, as well as the law of survival in this cruel world, the law of the jungle, we have to be stronger!

wild, may be a cruel thing, but it is also a very simple thing. it can give a polite dog the pleasure of killing; it can also make a bloody dog loyal to a person, but in the final analysis, it may eventually bring a kind of soul belonging to it.


class one student no.10 name: anna wang great expectation was written by charles dickens (1812-1870), one of the most popular writers of all the time, who created some of the best-known characters in english literature. great expectation is similar to david copperfield in that it is the story of a boy growing up.

pip has lost his parents when he was fifteen years old. he was brought up by his sister and her husband--joe gargery, a blacksmith who takes pip on as an apprentice, teaches him his trade and makes friends with him. one day before christmas, when pip went to the churchyard where his parents were buried, he met an escaping convict-- abel magwitch. pip brought cakes for the hungry man, which touched abel deeply, although he was caught by police. after the christmas, pip was invited to play with estella, a beautiful girl adopted by miss havisham. miss havisham was the richest man in the village. but she was very strange. she was dressed a bridal veil all the whole life after her fiancé left her at the wedding day, taking her a large amount of property. so she lived in the revenge and hated all the men. she treated estella as a tool to take revenge on all man. when pip met estella, he loved her, so did estella. but estella knew she was just a tool to carry out the revenge plan of miss havisham, so she pretended to be proud, indifferent and look down upon pip- a relative of a poor blacksmith, which broke pip’s heart. as a consequence, pip was determined to become a real gentleman who is in possession of money, good manners, luxurious life and a great expectation for estella’s sake. under the help of a stranger who donated a lot of money to him, pip left joe and the village, and went to london to live a luxurious life to learn to how to become a real gentleman. pip started to waste money, look down upon other poor people, even including joe, his brother-in-law and best friend! gradually, pip lost himself in the whirlpool of money, although he has had a large number of debts. as the same time, estella has become more and more beautiful, graceful and brilliant. she walked in the crowd of men and married one of them as the miss havisham’s wish, which really tore pip into pieces. and, as the same time, the mysterious benefactor of pip came out. he is abel- the escaping convict whom pip has helped. when he escaped from the prison again, he earned much money and wanted to pay back pip in that way. but abel soon was caught by police and died. the properties he gave to pip

also were confiscated by police. pip fell from the heaven to hell. he couldn’t stand it. as a result, he had a serious ill.

after receiving a letter describing the bad situation of pip, joe came to london to look after pip in spite of the bad attitude pip ever towards him. after recovering, pip realized his wrong. he decided to be a gentleman by his own endeavor. so he came back to the small village and spared no efforts to make business with his friend--herbert. several years later, pip met estella again at the old house of miss havisham. after knowing her husband has died and the real reason why estella didn’t choose him before, pip made a proposal to her. at last, the two lovers were in together and pip found his real great expectation at the end.

when i finished reading the novel, i also take consideration to the question “what a real great expectation is?” in my opinion, great expectation not means money, luxurious life provided by others, even the benefactors are your parents. it is our own dreams that we want to realize by our own efforts. great expectation may be the further study, a respectable degree, a good job, a warm family or something else. but we must know that our future and great expectation must be mastered by our own. we should working for them, fighting for them, even dying for them, whatever. only when we got what we want by our own endeavor, can we say we have had a great expectation.































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