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this year's winter olympic games have attracted special attention, not only because it is held in beijing, but also because the winter olympic games are different from the summer olympic games. the competitions on ice and snow are more ornamental and accidental. before the last minute, the winner or loser is uncertain. a small mistake on the field can change the final result, and people's mood always fluctuates with the development of the game.

the curling mixed doubles match between china and the united states began in such "tension". it has long been said that the sport of curling is known as "ice chess". we should not only use "force" to throw and sweep the ice, but also push the curling to the position closest to the center of the circle; we should also use the "brain" and use strategies and tactics. every throw should be done step by step, thinking about how to arrange troops and array, so as to not only keep our own pot and strive to expand the score, but also prevent the opponent's pot from completing the defensive task. therefore, sitting in front of the tv, i am novel and excited. the chinese team played fan suyuan and ling zhi. they are young players, but they showed great composure and tacit cooperation. their voices of communication and shouting came from the stadium. at the end of the first three innings, the chinese team temporarily lagged behind the american team 1-3. my heart also cheered for them, "we must stick to it, we can catch up!"

the fourth set began. fan suyuan and ling zhi changed their tactics and launched an impact on the position of american curling. the curling is pushed from fan suyuan's hand to the position of american curling. ling zhi uses the curling brush to "wipe the ice" in front of the curling, so as to reduce the friction and make the curling slide further in the ideal direction. in the blink of an eye, the chinese team's red curler hit the other team's yellow curler, and then rebounded to knock another yellow curler out of the boundary. "what a double fly, two points!" this step won two hard won points for the chinese team, and the score of the two teams was tied in the fourth inning! the later schedule did not develop well. in the last game, the two players of the chinese team made the decision to give up the last shot and reserve their strength to prepare for the next game.

although the chinese team lost, curling, a winter olympic event, made me realize that in curling, mentality, reason, strategy and technology are an indispensable part of winning, and the olympic spirit of "faster, higher, stronger and more united" is also reflected incisively and vividly in every throw of athletes!














featuring dogs, this is a lovely movie adapted from a novel. the sister andi and his brother bruce have kept friday, a dog, as a member of their family stealthily for years; actually, they dont have real family since they have lived an erratic life as foster children under several surnames after their parents died .

however, the idea of finding friday a new home comes to them as they resettled again. this time, its not allowed to raise dogs in the department, and they realize that friday deserves a better life rather than starving and hiding from time to time.

it so happened that they found an abandoned hotel in the downtown. friday soon get accustomed to the new life there, also the new partners of which there is a dog who gets anxious as soon as his view window is shut down and another who basically put everything he likes in his mouth and chew.

more and more dogs move in, and the hotel becomes a free shelter. naturally, the work gets tougher with the number of the tenants in this hotel growing larger; fortunately

bruce is good at inventing automatized devices: bathing machine, feeding machine, drive-simulating machine, ect. thanks to these inventions, the routine chores for dogs are managed well even in the childrens absence. for the dogs, life has never been so cozy.

but one day, the secret is revealed and the police take all the dogs away quite relentlessly. with the help of those friends who care about the dogs wellbeing, andi and bruce succeed in saving the animals from the cold asylum, but friday mislead the dog army back to their hotel which is out of the plan, attracting crowds of people from streets along to the hall of the hotel. then, after a passionate speech given by bernie, people are deeply touched by what the kids have done and why they did so.

dénouement: with the effort of numerous warmhearted people, the hotel develops into a grand utopia for dogs, meanwhile, andi and bruce become are fostered by bernie who have always care for them with fatherly love.

its a typical work of hollywood style, not the first one of its kind, but it still endears itself by millions of viewers. why? maybe that because the love between people as well as the cuddly dogs conveyed by this movie is something we all seek for, something we all need.

personally, i am a dog-lover myself, and i was most impressed by the friendship, or love to be exact, between the siblings and friday. in this world of fame and vanity, the most devoted friend one can have, a friend who never betray, is his dog. no matter one is at his peak of life or staring, healthy or ill, his dog will always stand beside him. as long as it can be around his master, it would rather sleep on the ice-cold doormat; it would still kiss the hands of its master even when they could no longer provide food.

dogs are the best friends of human being.


the end of the winter olympics makes us proud of our country. the end of the winter olympics. because our country has broken two records, and all the four gold medals in womens short track speed skating are from our country. anyway, this is very exciting for every chinese.

i remember that the performances of shen xue and zhao hongbo really surprised me. their beautiful dancing is infatuated, and it is inevitable to win the championship. there are also the members of the womens curling team. it was their first time to participate in the winter olympic games. they were still strong and did not receive the blow of the last game. they won the bronze medal, but it also made me excited. there is also wang meng, a member of the womens short track speed skating team. she won three gold medals alone. its really amazing. i dont think i would have thought of such a good situation until i knew these wars.

i didnt pay attention to the olympic games before, including the winter olympic games. just listen to my dad. since the last 2008 beijing olympic games, i think i will be excited when athletes win the championship. when the country wins the prize, he will be excited; if your country doesnt win the prize, your mood will be low. i dont know why. maybe its because im chinese and i have chinese blood in my blood. i dont know how to express the mood of athletes when they win the championship. that kind of mood, only our own people can have, will also have. the wonderful performance of shen xue and zhao hongbo is deeply engraved in my heart and makes me feel their wonderful technology; although zhang dan and zhang hao made mistakes, he was still very strong to complete the later game, and did not affect the later game because of the previous mistakes.

this competition makes me deeply realize that our motherland is making progress day and night.


this film was absolutely amazing. i have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. its not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great, but rather moments like where mathilda knocks on leons door. it would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating natalie portmans face, symbolizing something angelic. and the moment has so much more meaning.

i know a lot of people who have seen this film because they are action fans. im not. but im glad i finally found it, because its a wonderful film in so many other ways.












my favorite movie is mr· a gan,which i have being moved and inspired by the male leading character—forrest gump.

at the beginning of the movie,following the beautiful music ,there is a beautiful feather dancing with the breeze. finally lighting at the foot of forrest gump. the man who sits on the bentch and tells his life experience to the strangers .

forrest gump is unfortunately to be born with a low iq and musele problem. generally speaking by most people,this kind of person couldn’t be successful in doing anything. however ,he es very successful through his struggling. what he narrates reflect the social changes. many important events and people of american from the 1950s to the 1970s are shown fluently in his description of his life experience. so the film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of u.s.a.’s life,important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as u.s.a. from one unique angle. film adapt winston novel of the same name of groom since.

his mother had been playing a very important role in his life. when he sat on the bench on the side of the road,talking with the strangers,he would often start his theory with “ my mother said……”

my mother said “life is like a box of chocolates,forrest,you never know what you are going to get.”

my mother said” don’t you be afraid sweet heart. death is just a part of life. something we are destined to do”

gump’s mother is a clever woman. she can earn enough money to support her one parent family. she i is also optimistic. she never feels ashamed of her son. she is proud of her son. she never thinks forrest is a fool. she wants her son can lead a life as an ordinary person. in order to let him study into school,she has sex with the headmaster. she is also intelligent. every night she reads some books for forrest and tells some simple truths to him. gump was an extra docile child and he had kept all his mother words. he said apple head had his own ways of dealing with all kinds of things in life. gump actually didn’t have much ambition and he also lost many valuable things. but he didn’t abandon himself to desperation. his love eternally continued. he already had a small gump after all. so although he was not smart,he knew how to keep life hopeful and dynamic.

when we say that forrest gump is a lucky guy. i think most of you may think that he is so lucky to escape much trouble ,but the “luck” is that he is so lucky to have such a good mother by my means. gump has his own perseverance,keeping on running without of any reason,just runs. he said: “man has look forward,and never encumbered by foretime. i thank that's the meaning of my running.” say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing,gump does and bees “god”. there is another character captain dan. dan lost his legs in vietnarm war. he said that his fate is death in war. however,forrest gump saved him and let him be alive. after losing legs,dan was decadent and disgusted with life,plaining that gump shouldn’t save him. when he adjusted his mind,living on fishing with gump ,he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank gump’s help. the movie is intended to tell people.

that life is wonderful by this character. rainbow is always after cloud. the key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. the movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do,and life will return us well. there will be a miracle if only there is perseverance.

there are full of philosophy in the movie. many lines in this movie are classical. for example,life is a box of chocolates,you never know what you’re gonna get. in addition,the sentence that death is just a part of life,something we’re all destined to do is also of wisdom. they make us think of life profoundly.

on every stage of life,gump had merely one target as his guidance of that temporary period. but he would strive persistently to acplish it. i thought that must be his charm of personality.

however,most of the time,we just couldn’t be able to find the reason for what we had did or what we are doing now. and what seemed regretful was that we just resigned ourselves to giving up half the way. life is that way. you don’t have to calculate the amount of your acquisition but just do it to the best of your ability. then you will fly higher and higher. i believe firmly the higher you fly,the less far you will be away from the paradise in your heart. thus,do not plain that you do not have something. just like yourself and make your advantages better and better. so i think his success is by his sheer hard struggle instead of luck.

last but not least,the pictures and the music in this film are rather beautiful. it begins with the beautiful scene: a white feather dances in the wind with the music gradually from soft to strong. in the sky,the feather is shinning brightly. at the end of this film,the feather appears with the wonderful music again. it creates a pure and peaceful world to us. in my view,life is just like a feather,which can be changeable with the breeze in the sky. we cannot control the breeze. what we can do is to adjust to the environment. we should take advantage of our advantages. and try our best to make us dancing more beautiful in the blue sky. our iq is higher than forrest gump,so we have ability to live better than forrest. just seek for a better life through work hard.

on the whole,this movie is special,inspiring,educational,philosophic and moving. i enjoy it every much. it is worthy of our appreciation for many times.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
