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water, sky, ground, sea, rivers and lakes are. for water conservation, the students always feel as section

save something else less important. some students on the tap, foot, scouring, some students a drink of water, but the mouth facing the faucet to drink tap water, sound of rushing water, and does not feel bad. water line really worth it? water conservation is really unimportant? not the world's water 93% is salt water, not drink. accounted for only 7% of fresh water, and drink water only accounts for eight per cent of zero. billion people around the world, we depend on it accounted for only 0.8% drinking fresh water, watching, water and more valuable ah! although there are three liters of water per person per day will be able to maintain life, but in fact of urban residents per person per day cooking, washing, washing vegetables ... ... everything can not do without water, water up to several hundred liters. in addition, the farming and industrial production can not do without water. people can live several days without eating a few days without water can not. can not afford to humanity is to survive away from water, showing how important it is to save water.

water conservation "is not limited to water, but not let water. in fact, people save water is a reasonable use of water, efficient use of water. save water does not affect our quality of life. everyone has the value of resources wasted to correct others水 obligations. the idea that "as long as i pay the water, you can whim, waste water is my own business, others out of mind" point of view is wrong, our country, "water law" that water resources belong to the state , that is, the whole people. provide for countries around the world, water is public property. therefore, everyone should have public water awareness. power resources are very precious, unite the hard work of many people. everyone should love the water, saving water against pollution of water and waste water. "calendar view forerunners state and family, as the thrift failure by the extravagance. "qinjianchijia, diligence and universities, this is a morality, is a virtue.. students, we are a small host country, from small water conservation should develop good thinking habits. whether in school or in outside the school, should pay attention to water conservation. we must take practical action to be a good boy to save water.


halloween is an autumn holiday that americans celebrate every year. itmeans holy evening, and it comes every october 31, the evening before allsaints‘ day. however, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday forchildren mainly.

every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick largeorange pumpkins. then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candleinside. it looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! theselights are called jack-o‘-lanterns, which means jack of the lantern.

the children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes everyhalloween. some children paint their faces to look like monsters. then theycarry boxes or bags from house to house. every time they come to a new house,they say,trick or treat! money or eat! the grown-ups put treat-money or candy intheir bags.

not only children, but most grown-ups also love halloween and halloweenparties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghostas their imaginations will lead them. this bring them the satisfaction of beingyoung.






i want to be a teacher when i listen to my teacher carefully. i think i canbe a teacher when i grow up. i can help many students learn things well. i canplay with my students, too. so we are good friends. i want to be a doctor when isee many doctors save their patients. to be a doctor is really great. i think ican be a doctor when i grow up. then i can help many people out of danger. iwill be the happiest girl in the world.

i want to be a reporter when i watch tv every evening. we can get lots ofimportant information from them. they make the world smaller and also make ushappy. i would like to be a reporter when i grow up. and i can learn a lot aboutchina and the other countries around the world. i can meet many superstars aswell.

i have lots of dreams. i think my dreams can come true one day, becausethere’s an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way.”


yesterday, we had a discussion. the topic is. what is my dream? every onehas his dream. some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. my dreamis to become a doctor.

my friends asked me why. i told them my story. when i was a small boy i wasvery weak. once i was terribly iii. i had a high fever. my parents sent me tothe hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. then my parents heardthere was a very good doctor in another town. they took me there. i wassaved.

a good doctor can save people' s lives. from then on i decided to become adoctor. i know it is not easy to be a doctor.but i am determined to study hard.i am sure my dream will come true.






today, i went to school with great interest. as soon as i arrived atschool, i saw students wearing all kinds of masks, some pumpkins, some witches,some sorcerers. the mask they wear is terrible. ha! ha! because today ishalloween. i quickly entered the classroom, put my bag down and put on my mask,my mask was a vampire.

in the morning, our activity was a runway show, and i walked up to thestage with a swagger and a scariest look, shaking everyone. to my surprise, theprincipal of our building also came to the halloween party. he was wearingzorro's mask and we didn't recognize him at all.

in the afternoon we went to the flea market. at the flea market i sawbooks, badges and so on. after bargaining, i used ten dollars to buy the seal,beef jerky, toy model.

this year's halloween carnival is really interesting. i'm really lookingforward to the next halloween!


as the vivid cartoon depicts, a little boy throws a package that still contains foods away, and an old woman picked it up.

the purpose of the picture is to reveal that there is more and more wasteful phenomenon.economization is the steadfast virtue of our nation. why this phenomenon takes place, that is, nowadays, as the living standards improve, folks live a fullness life, some people flip the traditional virtues of economization from our memory. it will cause a serious adverse effect on social harmony if we turn a blind eye on this phenomenon.in addition, waste is not only a noble trait of character of a teenager, but also lead o some wicked traits which are harmful to the growing of a teenager.

taking into account all the analyses above, we must attach importance of economization. first, we should get actively to advocate the traditional virtue 。





one story about jack, an irishman, who was not allowed into heaven becausehe was stingy with his money. so he was sent to hell. but down there he playedtricks on the devil (satan), so he was kicked out of hell and made to walk theearth forever carrying a lantern.

well, irish children made jack's lanterns on october 31st from a largepotato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by littlecandles inside. and irish children would carry them as they went from house tohouse begging for food for the village halloween festival that honored the druidgod muck olla. the irish name for these lanterns was "jack with the lantern" or"jack of the lantern," abbreviated as " jack-o'-lantern" and now spelled"jack-o-lantern."

the traditional halloween you can read about in most books was justchildren's fun night. halloween celebrations would start in october in everyelementary school.


different people have different dreams. some people dream of making a lotof money. some people dream of living a happy life. some people dream of beingfamous. some people dream of going abroad, and so on. but my dream is different.maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream.


i have a wonderful dream in my heart. it's to speak english very well.since english is everything for me. english is my best friend. english is mysoul. english is my power. without english, i'm nothing at all. nothing. now, ican think in english, speak in english, and write in english. some people thinki'm an indian. some people regard i'm a pakistan. and some people even considerthat i'm an egyptian. but if i could speak english as good as an american, myfuture would be brilliant. so i work very hard.


















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