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mark twains short story of "one million pounds" is a very good work. the article on the "money is everything," "money is omnipotent," the idea of a satire, to expose the ugly face of capitalist society.

"one million pounds" is about a poor, honest man, that is, the heroine of this story has received a pair of brothers, the letter sent to him inside one million pounds. the brothers had made a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest people who e knocking on the door received the one million pounds, he will be what kind of results? brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the money was his own, will be subject to other peoples doubts, and even the banks do not let him save money. his younger brother that he would lead a very good, and therefore they have the brothers of one million pounds will be loaned to check the poorest people, and spent 30 days abroad. did not expect that during this period of time, people have the rare fortune suddenly rich, has tried to cozy up to him, from the free food, buy clothes, free acmodation, like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social status until the exception of the highest outdoor wang duke on! not only that, he also has been a good wife and 30,000 pounds of bank interest, and finally from two brothers got a very good job. lived a very, very happy life.

see here, i am so envious of the "lucky" the heroine, but at the same time i would like to: people reason to curry favor with him, not just because when people value money too it? worship of money is shameful and should not be reaping more! money is not omnipotent, the world than money, there are many more important things … …


when i read the second grade, i saw a very interesting book, that is "harry potter" to seven, now i am ready to share with you the story of this book and read this book. feeling in harry potter's 11 birthday is approaching, suddenly there were many unexpected the phenomenon of the day, the owl infested house received a letter, harry potter's aunt and uncle to see the contents of the letter, tore the letter immediately. but everfount to hundreds of letters, but had been torn out.

one day, a burly chap (should be giant) open the door of the house of harry, the harry potter away. along the way, the giant told many things about hogwarts harry potter, also told harry he is the keeper of keys at hogwarts, called hagrid, and harry in the face of the use of a magic at hogwarts, first look unpleasant is malfoy (in the magic school hate harry porter, malfoy later defected to voldemort), but it made on luo enhe hermione (harry's sidekick, harry followed potter on the destruction of the horcruxes and looking for deathly hallows journey) two friends. he three individuals have been assigned to four schools (four college of gryffindor, slytherin, ravenclaw, hufflepuff) gryffindor.

harry porter at hogwarts, the potions teacher snape and sguera horn, transfiguration teacher professor mcgonagall, and six of harry potter's defence against the dark arts teacher (the defense against the dark arts teacher for a year, and so on) the care under the guidance of harry completed the following feat: the first year at hogwarts (harry and voldemort graduated from slytherin college, then in charge of the dark wizard world) first meeting, at a disadvantage, but dumbledore saved him. for second years, harry once again escape in voldemort's hand. in third years, harry alone defeated hundreds of dementors (azkaban prison janitor, people will suck a happy memory.)。 for fourth years, he went through all levels of the triwizard tournament, but the cup was voldemort cheated, but from the hands of voldemort's escape. in fifth years, he participated in the battle of the order of the phoenix, with dozens of dark wizards, had killed several sixth years. first, he destroyed a horcrux, and in the face of hogwarts. seventh years of civil strife, he kills voldemort, and participate in the defeated the dark wizards in the battle, and also a section of memory, the reason that snape killed dumbledore in order to protect a deathly hallows and won the trust of voldemort!

ten years later, harry potter has a wife and son, he gave his son the name albus severus porter, this is for the two principals. harry memorial hogwarts the greatest? potter > watching and mesmerizing, we do not miss this book!


i first read "jane eyre" in eighth grade and have read it every few years since. it is one of my favorite novels, and so much more than a gothic romance to me, although that's how i probably would have defined it at age 13. i have always been struck, haunted in a way, by the characters - jane and mr. rochester. they take on new depth every time i meet them...and their's is a love story for the ages.

charlotte bronte's first published novel, and her most noted work, is a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story. jane is plain, poor, alone and unprotected, but due to her fierce independence and strong will she grows and is able to defy society's expectations of her. this is definitely feminist literature, published in 1847, way before the beginning of any feminist movement. perhaps this is one of the reasons why the novel has had such a wide following since it first came on the market. it is also one of the first gothic romances published and defines the genre.

jane eyre, who is our narrator, was born into a poor family. jane eyre's parents died when she was a small child and the little girl was sent to live with her uncle and aunt reed at gateshead. jane's uncle truly cared for her and showed his affection openly, but mrs. reed seemed to hate the orphan, and neglected her while she pampered and spoiled her own children. this unfair treatment emphasized jane's status as an unwanted outsider. she was often punished harshly. on one occasion her nasty cousin jack picked a fight with her. jane tried to defend herself and was locked in the terrifying "red room" as a result. jane's uncle reed had died in this room a little while before, and mrs. reed knew how frightened she was of the chamber. since jane is the narrator, the reader is given a first-hand impression of the child's feelings, her heightened emotional state at being imprisoned. indeed, she seems almost like an hysterical child, filled with terror and rage. she repeatedly calls her condition in life "unjust" and is filled with bitterness. looking into the mirror jane sees a distorted image of herself. she views her reflection and sees a "strange little figure," or "tiny phantom." jane has not learned yet to subordinate her passions to her reason. jane eyre's passions still erupt unchecked. jane eyre's isolation in the red room is a presentiment of her later isolation from almost every society and community. this powerful, beautifully written scene never fails to move me.

mrs. reed decided to send jane away to the lowood school, a poor institution run by mr. brocklehurst, who believed that suffering made grand people. all the children there were neglected, except to receive harsh punishment when any mistake was made. at lowood, jane met helen burns, a young woman a little older than jane, who guided her with vision, light and love for the rest of her life. jane's need for love was so great. it really becomes obvious in this first friendship. helen later died from fever, in jane's arms. jane eyre's illness and death could have been avoided if more attention had been paid to the youths. jane stayed at lowood for ten years, eight as a student and two as a teacher. tired and depressed by her surroundings, jane applied for the position of governess and found employment at thornfield. the mansion is owned by a gentleman named edward fairfax rochester. jane eyre's job there was to teach his ward, an adorable little french girl, adele. over a long period the moody, inscrutable rochester confides in jane and she in him. the two form an unlikely friendship and eventually fall in love. again, jane's need for love comes to the fore, as does her passionate nature. she blooms. a dark, gothic figure, rochester also has a heart filled with the hope of true love and future happiness with jane. ironically, he has brought all his misery, past and future, on himself.

all is not as it seems at thornfield. there is a strange, ominous woman servant, grace poole, who lives and works in an attic room. she keeps to herself and is rarely seen. from the first, however, jane has sensed bizarre happenings at night, when everyone is asleep .there are wild cries along with violent attempts on rochester's life by a seemingly unknown person. jane wonders why no one investigates mrs. poole. then a strange man visits thornfield and mysteriously disappears with mr. rochester. late that night jane is asked to sit with the man while the lord of the house seeks a doctor's help. the man has been seriously wounded and is weak from loss of blood. he leaves by coach, in a sorry state, first thing in the morning. jane's questions are not answered directly. this visit will have dire consequences on all involved. an explosive secret revealed will destroy all the joyful plans that jane and rochester have made. jane, once more will face poverty and isolation.

charlotte bronte's heroine jane eyre, may not have been graced with beauty or money, but she had a spirit of fire and was filled with integrity and a sense of independence - character traits that never waned in spite of all the oppression she encountered in life. ms. bronte brings to the fore in "jane eyre" such issues as: the relations between men and women in the mid-19 century, women's equality, the treatment of children and of women, religious faith and hypocrisy (and the difference between the two), the realization of selfhood, and the nature of love and passion. this is a powerhouse of a novel filled with romance, mystery and passions. it is at once startlingly fresh and a portrait of the times. ms. bronte will make your heart beat faster, your pulse race and your eyes fill with tears.


the hero of this book is a little prince from an outer planet. the book tells of the little princes journey from his planet to the earth.

the little prince visited 6 planets. the complexity of the human world and the cruelty of the real life were the satisfaction of the little prince who could not get his questions. he felt melancholy and even mournful weeping. later, the little prince knew little fox and became a good friend with fox. little fox also gave his secret and "naked eye" the essence of things, only the heart can see everything as a gift to the little prince.

at last, the little prince left the earth on the b612 asteroids with the help of the venomous snake.

this book "who is the child of adults" in the fairy tale is not only full of hate feelings is flashing the glory of philosophy. the same is a kind of thing, adults are used to see in a rational way, and children often start from the heart.

so the adult never understands the childs world. i think, when the world is full of love and warmth, the little prince will come back again.


i have read many books, which i learned a lot of knowledge, let me know a lot of truth in life, including a book, let me experience a deep, it is a famous writer ernest hemingway wrote, "hits."

"hits" this book talked about such a story, old fisherman santiago de cuba consecutive 84 days did not catch the fish, was another loser as a fisherman, but he was persistent, and finally caught a big marlin large marlins his boat dragged on for three days at sea, exhausted, was tied to the boat he was killed on one side, and then return journey repeatedly been shark attacks, he has exhausted all means to counterattack. back to hong kong only the head and a fish tail spine. although the fish have bitten gone, but what can not destroy the will of his bravery. this book reveals to us a truth: people are not born to fail, and a person can be destroyed, but can not be defeated.

before i do anything as long as there is one point does not work well, they will retreat, and sometimes even say a few words dejected to say. in learning, i have a few tests as long as there is not very good there will be no confidence that their getting good grades. "hits", the hero fighting with the shark, shark harpoon was taken away, he put the knife blade tied to tie chaos. knife broke, he used truncheons. batons have lost, and he used the rudder to e to play. this book reveals the truth, not to explain a man no matter what my greatest fear is the lack of confidence. confidence is like a motor car, is a human motivation. if you do one thing with the confidence, you mean half the battle. the hero in this book are full of confidence and perseverance, not exactly what i indispensable?

since reading this book, i know that his lack of learning is no longer due to a loss of confidence in the two do not go well, but more poorly in an exam, the more to be a good test. in the final exam the day, the morning two homework results, i do not have a certain class of students is good, but i admit defeat, but confidence that the determination to fight a turnaround. language examinations in the afternoon, i have done every road topics are especially careful. sure enough, i was class of the first language examinations, total score, i am also a first.

in the future, i do not care what difficulties we encountered, we must face with confidence, persist in the end, and never retreat. i want to thank the book, for which i have learned so much, thank it for me to understand so many reasons, for it let me know his own shortings and correct their shortings in time, so i became a socially useful people.

"hits", the lonely old fisherman santiago has been not only be tough guy, his spiritual values embodied in the body is entirely the spirit of the ancient greek tragedy, a modern echo. in the "hits", the hemingway finally for his beloved tough guy to find the soul, this soul is everlasting eternal values of mankind. thus, in the "hits", the tough-guy character of santiago's fortitude has bee the novel's surface. by santiago tough-guy character to praise the eternal values of mankind, became the real theme of the novel. "hits" and demonstrated what eternal value?

the first is people's self-confidence. santiago consecutive 84 days at sea, and did not catch a fish. however, the "pair of eyes, ah, like water, like blue, is happy, not depressed." originally to follow santiago on fishing expeditions children, spoke of his father called him to the other boat and said, : "he did not much self-confidence." "yes." the old man said, "but we have, you say is not it?"

santiago in self-confidence is absolute self-confidence, is not to environmental change and changes in self-confidence, it does not pare with others, self-confidence. in santiago's philosophy of existence, even when confronted with a pole of the unlucky people can only self-confidence.

people alive, the only way to determine the necessity, that is, to death. in addition, there is no bound to what can rely on. since the person is alive by chance, then the courage to support human life, the only confident. if we lose self-confidence, in the continuing unlucky so many days after the santiago there is the courage and perseverance on fishing expeditions do? therefore, people live to be confident, not self-confidence is for human consumption can not afford luxury. it is precisely because santiago had an absolute self-confidence, he was called away to the children to express a plete tolerance and understanding. here, hemingway has demonstrated the link between self-confidence and tolerance. "hits" in the main space, describing the lonely old fisherman santiago, in the open sea and in large marlin and a variety of sharks entangled, fought for three days and three nights experience. by hemingway fullest description, we felt the santiago desperate struggle with the fate of the heroic and noble. last drag home for the elderly only a 18 feet-long fish skeleton, the only plete skeleton is the head and beautiful fish tail.

from the physical point of view, elderly people fought for three days and three nights a result of failure; but the human spirit, from the person's self-confidence self-esteem, courage and destiny from the human to make every effort to struggle for victory santiago .

after all, the true victory can only be a triumph of the spirit. no matter who made much material success, they can not win our respect and thanks. only the spirit and the spirit of victory, it moves us, that we have to follow the elderly and children, for his tragic tears.


"jane eyre" this a masterpiece of world literature treasure house, was i found recently. i carefully read. "jane love" britain is the author of charlotte. bronte, she was born in a mountain town of thornton, yorkshire, england, is the village priest patrick. bronte's third child. charlotte in august 1847, written in the novel "jane love". jane eyre main story to tell the story of the little girl jane grew up from the girl. jane eyre from childhood, no parents, adopted by kissing my uncle. jane eyre died uncle, aunt, all the bullying. later, jane eyre was sent to an orphanage, living in there for eight years. and then, jane went to a governess, finally married to mr. rochester.

i like the fifth chapter: to longwood (lowood orphanage). at the time, jiangang to the orphanage, she experienced a very hard day. the orphanage children a week can eat no more than two bread and cheese and coffee, and they eat the burned out of porridge't reply, up to very late every day in the morning to wait until the water washing a face, the teacher is very strict, do something wrong will be standing in the hall, but things have one teacher, miss tan bo son has broken some rules, let the students live a better life.

jane eyre's misfortune makes me feel: it was a wonderful life now, we should cherish the life now. setbacks are not strong.


“pride and prejudice,” the feeling after reading

“pride and prejudice” is the famous british writer jane austen masterpiece, the works in daily life for material, the romantic and reality love story。

works of vivid reflects the late eighteenth to well into the nieenth century in the conservative and block state of the british town life and ways of the world。 its social graffiti novel at that time if not only attracts the general reader, real to this day, still give the reader a unique art enjoyment。

first of all, from story to see, elizabeth resourcefulness, have courage, these have vision, have very strong self-respect, and be good at thinking。 just then a an unmarried ladies the lady of speaking, this is valuable。 and also it is this quality, just make her in love have independent initiative,and led to her and happy family of darcy。 in my opinion, elizabeth is worthy of praise。

in the way of the pursuit of love, be sure to a firm belief, not for money, fame, wealth, or any other cause carelessly decided to, want to hold to find true love。 if the other party to some of the defect is himself can't stand, but also what can't change it, you should give up the resolute choice; of course should also to cherish each other, not because of some of the others words, they change their decision, happiness to yourself to the business。 this is the book want to municate to the world is very precious words, is also to the heart of the pursuit of love chicken soup。

reading this book, i be a lifetime earnings, enjoy the spiritual baptism。

















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